A Primer on Information Transmission in the Brain andthe Synapse with focus on Synaptic Plasticity
主讲嘉宾:CHEW SOO HONG (周恕弘)
报告人简介:CHEW SOO HONG (周恕弘),教授,博导,数学、经济学和管理科学交叉学科博士,西南财经大学中国行为经济与行为金融研究中心特聘主任。2011年获得世界计量经济学会院士、2022年获得经济学理论促进学会(SAET)院士(Fellow)、实验与行为经济学家,2022年度四川省“天府友谊奖获得者”。研究领域为决策理论、行为与实验经济学、神经与生物经济学等。在经济学顶级期刊,如Journal of Political Economy、Econometrica Review of Economics Studies 、Journal of Economic Theory等,管理学顶级期刊,如Management Science、Annual Operation Research等,以及综合类和神经生物类顶级期刊,如PNAS、Neuron、NBR、eBioMedicine等发表论文80余篇,主持国家自然科学基金重点项目以及多项不同国家的高额度研究项目。曾执教于新加坡国立大学、香港科技大学、加州大学尔湾分校、约翰霍普金斯大学、美国亚利桑那大学等,并在美国杜兰大学、加拿大多伦多大学、以色列特拉维夫大学等担任访问学者。
This primer touches on how brain plasticity arising from the unconscious nanosecond-bysecond minute changes in our synaptic configurations (we have 100 trillion synapses from 86billion neurons in our brains) delivers an inherent and effortess (not expanding marginal effopredictive /anticipatory function in our pre-attenton sensory system from exposure to stimulbefore processing (10 million bits sec for vision) to sensory perception, e.gdifferentiatingbetween shades of blue, 'This unconscious and effortless predictivity in our brains encompassa built-in (partially Bayesian) updating function which underpins our biological needs to alwayseek causal understanding for whatever/anything being sensed at any time, by comparinginstinctively (System 1) between stimulus and predictive prior, noticing only the out-of-theordinary which is often salient or involving sufficiently high contrast, Not noticing the obviotis among the key features of how our miserly brain constantly and ceaselessly saves energyaccounting for the victory of Kasparov's 20 watts brain over lBM's industrial strength supetcomputer Deep Blue in 1996. As they say, the rest is history.
活动时间:2024年11月22日 星期五下午 14:00-15:30
撰稿人:高晶 审核人:李程程