Intelligence Darwinism: Information Capacity ShapesNatural Selection delivering Biodiversity
主讲嘉宾: Richard Ebstein
报告人简介: Richard Ebstein,教授,博导,用遗传学的方法研究人类经济与社会行为的先驱,开创了将行为遗传学与社会科学相结合的交叉领域,特别是利用DRD4基因解释人类经济社会行为等。主要研究方向包括遗传行为学、神经生物学、行为经济学和基因经济学等,迄今为止发表近600篇学术论文,其中在Nature、PNAS这两本科学期刊发表过5篇论文, 在Nature genetics、Nature neuroscience、Biology Psychiatry、Neuron 等综合类和神经生物类顶级期刊发表大量国际顶级成果。据Google Scholar统计,最新h指数103,论文总被引达38750次,其中2013年后发表的论文被引用达两万次以上。曾任教于新加坡国立大学、希伯来大学、纽约大学、本古里安大学等。近二十年来致力于与Chew Soo Hong教授的深度合作,从数理模型、心理过程、脑神经、生物激素、基因和生物进化等层面来丰富对人类行为的认知。
Building on Andler’s (2017) idea of situation intelligence (Sl) encompassing standard measuresin terms of multiple abilities, we observe that the capacity for intelligence relates to the organism9information capacity derived from its brain (synaptic) plasticity. We offer an extension of SI forindividual organisms to collective intelligence (Cl for groups, from family and organization tosociety and state and even to our species, with which to explore the intriguing idea of IntelligenceDarwinism and demonstrate how information and intelligence capacities working in tandem shapesnatural selection through inter- and intra-species competition thereby delivering biodiversity. Withengaging examples and simple explanations, we seek to unravel the ways in which intelligentdecision making delivers survival of the smartest from the lowly worm, C. Elegans, whose brain has302 neurons and about 7000 synapses to homo sapiens being endowed with 86 billion neurons andmore than 100 trillion synapses, It has not escaped our attention that this research has naturalimplications for what Al may portend for the future of our species.
活动时间: 2024年11月22日 星期五下午 15:30-17:00
活动地点: 笃行楼708会议室
主办单位: 金融学院、实验经济学实验室
撰稿人:李江艳 审核人:李程程